Robert at Channel Roberts RSS feed for en-us Copyright 2004 Robert Shiels Cinema scandal with my daughter to see the new Magic Roundabout film yesterday. Pretty shocked by the price - £12 for the two of us. Are cinemas actively trying to force people to the blackmarket. If the whole family had gone we'd have spent £24, and that's not counting the exhorbitant prices for their drinks and popcorn. It's even cheaper to buy your snacks in M&S beforehand, which is what we did. Tuits really would like some Tuits for my birthday next time. Round ones. Writing've set up some new blogs on blogger to write about my art project for the year, and my triathlon too.

I'm hoping to write a bit more here about other stuff, and maybe also improve the interface and functionality, though it's so easy on blogger, maybe I'll move everything there.