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January 03, 2006

New Year Resolutions

It's great to have an aim I think. Something to work towards concentrates the mind and really does help you to achieve what you want to do.

Some resolutions are easy to make, but impossibly hard to maintain, and actually end up a bit counter productive. "Run 10 miles per week" or, "Write a blog entry every day for the whole year". These are possible, but make you more an addict to the letter of the resolution, rather than achieving the goals.

So you might have a cold, and really not feel like a three mile run in the middle of February, but go out anyway so as not to spoil your record. Then you make yourself really ill and are forced to break the resolution anyway. And you might post inane drivel to your blog, and in the process actually bore people away from reading it, just so that you can point to 365 entries at the end of the year.

That's why I try to make my resolutions a bit wishy-washy, a bit unfocussed. "exercise more", "eat better (but NOT less)", "write an interesting blog". These are better resolutions than the ones the anally retentive side of my personality would actually like me to make, and happily, I've missed two days blogging this year already.

Posted by se71 at January 3, 2006 01:32 PM


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