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August 15, 2005
Boy finds mermaid, boy loses mermaid, boy finds mermaid again.
Tom Hanks is a very young man in this film, yet instead of enjoying his freedom, he's already feeling that he's never going to find the right girl for him. Paraphrasing his his on-screen brother John Candy, "Get a life!". But this sadness and yearning is all because he actually met his life partner when he fell off a boat as a child. The only trouble is - she's a mermaid.
When he manages to fall in the water again, Darryl Hannah, the mermaid in question, finds him again and saves him. Then she comes into the city, naked except for some carefully positioned long blond hair, and they get together.
A mad scientist puts a spanner in the works when he exposes her, and she gets taken away to be experimented on. But it all works out in the end, and Tom and Darryl swim off to mermaid land together.
This is a pretty nice film; funny, silly, slapstick, with a good heart. Kids love it, and grownups can also enjoy it - especially John Candy, who plays his normal affable and hilarious character.
How on earth did it get an Oscar nomination for best original writing though!
Posted by se71 at August 15, 2005 01:39 PM
This got an Oscar nomination for writing?!?! I mean, I really enjoyed this movie, but an Oscar nomination?
Who knew?
By the way, I'm really enjoying your reviews!
Posted by: Cate at November 29, 2005 01:46 PM
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