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March 05, 2005

Ruby On Rails

I've been being bugged to try out the new Framework everyone is talking about - Ruby On Rails. (Excellent Tutorial here )

I have various computers and operating systems, and I'm a bit of a fan of developing on whatever one happens to be turned on at the time. So I went to the installer page and got a windows installer.

Ruby installed fine.

The next step is to use the Gem installer to get Rails installed from the internet.

Gem didn't work.

After a bit of head scratching and a few tries at internet searches for similar problems, I discover that gem, and Rails, will only work properly on Windows from XP/2K onwards. Windows95/98/ME are not supported. It would have been nice to have seen this information somewhere on the installer page.

For those of a curious nature, the reason it didn't work is that the file extension .cmd is not recognised as executable in earlier Windows versions; it's a bit like .bat, and renaming all the .cmd files to .bat helps a bit, but apparently there are some hard coded calls to cmd.exe which used to be command.com. I guess I might be able to hack together a working Ruby On Rails, but I'd then never be really sure when I came across problems whether it was me or the software, and don't really need that pain.

Posted by se71 at March 5, 2005 06:25 PM

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I tried it on DR-DOS 6.0 too, and had the same problem! This is ridiculous!


Posted by: DJ at March 7, 2005 08:21 AM

Slashdot is reporting that 21% of users are still on these versions of Windows - that's about 100 million copies (and those are only the official numbers)

Posted by: se71 [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 19, 2005 08:56 AM

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