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July 06, 2002

Small Soldiers

Updated Gremlins. Toy soldiers terrorise a family

A toy company need a new success, and the boys in the lab come up with soldiers that can actually fight each other. As usual in this kind of situation, someone screws up and uses advanced military computer chips in the toys. And they make a range of soldiers, and a race of aliens called Gorgonites that are the soldiers sworn enemies. Can you work out the plot yet?

A teenage boy works in his father's toy shop, and gets an advance order of these toys. He makes friends with the Gorgonites who are a peaceful race, and then the soldiers escape and try to kill them. The toy soldiers capture and torture any real people who get in the way, but at the end of the day, they are all destroyed. The Gorgonites head for the hills to look for a peaceful life away from everyone.

This is a film with mixed animation and real life, and works really well. Although billed as a kids film, it's pretty scary for the very young, and will appeal mostly to boys aged 8-12. There isn't much for adults, but if you do have children it's an enjoyable enough hour and a half you can spend with them.


Posted by se71 at July 6, 2002 11:13 AM


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